III Międzynarodowy Kongres
Medycyna Drobnych Ssaków w Praktyce - Chirurgia & Anestezjologia
Data: 14-15.06.2025, Warszawa
Miejsce: Warsaw Plaza Hotel, Warszawa
Rejestracja Early Birds (do 30.11.2024) 1399 zł brutto – lekarze weterynarii
Rejestracja Early Birds (do 30.11.2024) 1199 zł brutto – studenci/technicy weterynarii
Rejestracja od 1.12.2024 -> 1649zł brutto – lekarze weterynarii
Rejestracja od 1.12.2024 -> 1449 zł brutto – studenci/technicy weterynarii
Możliwość płatności w ratach.
Wykłady tłumaczone symultanicznie na język polski.
Cocktail Party: 250 zł
Fransesco Paesano DVM, GPCert(SADen&OS), ISVPS (Florencja, Włochy)
Sandra Wenger Dr.med.vet., Dip. ECVAA, Dip. ACZM, MSc (Zurych, Szwajcaria)
Lek.wet. spec. Aleksandra Bobińska (Łódź, Polska)
Dr n.wet. spec. Dorota Różańska (Lublin, Polska)
Lek.wet. Jakub Kliszcz (Gdańsk, Polska)
Lek.wet. Justyna Ignaszak-Dziech (Wrocław, Polska)
Czas | Czas trwania | Temat | Prowadzący |
09:00 – 09:30 | 30 min | Prehabilitacja przy zabiegach chirurgicznych u królików i gryzoni | Sandra Wenger |
09:30 – 10:30 | 60 min | Zasada ABC + protokoły anestezjologiczne | Sandra Wenger |
10:30 – 11:00 | 30 min | Przerwa kawowa | |
11:00 – 12:15 | 75 min | Nowe podejście do chirurgii klatki piersiowej | Florent Modesto |
12:15 – 12:45 | 30 min | Jednostronne lub obustronne podejście do owariohysterektomii bocznej u świnek morskich | Dorota Różańska |
12:45 – 13:00 | 15 min | Prelekcja Partnera | |
13:00 – 14:00 | 60 min | Lunch | |
14:00 – 14:45 | 45 min | Chirurgia przewodu pokarmowego u królików domowych | Florent Modesto |
14:45 – 15:15 | 30 min | Opatrunek czy skalpel? Pododermatitis u świnek morskich i nie tylko | Aleksandra Bobińska |
15:15 – 15:45 | 30 min | Przerwa kawowa | |
15:45 – 16:15 | 30 min | Sedacja bez stresu i walki (zarówno pacjenta, jak i własnego) | Sandra Wenger |
16:15 – 17:15 | 60 min | Sukces w anestezji ptaków | Sandra Wenger |
Czas | Czas trwania | Temat | Prowadzący |
09:00 – 10:30 | 90 min | Game changer – zastosowania piezochirurgii w chirurgii szczękowo-twarzowej zwierząt egzotycznych | Francesco Paesano |
10:30 – 11:00 | 30 min | Przerwa kawowa | |
11:00 – 12:15 | 75 min | Przewlekłe zapalenie ucha: strategie leczenia | Florent Modesto |
12:15 – 12:45 | 30 min | Przeszczepy kostne w stomatologii królików i gryzoni | Jakub Kliszcz |
12:45 – 13:00 | 15 min | Prelekcja Partnera | |
13:00 – 14:00 | 60 min | Lunch | |
14:00 – 15:00 | 60 min | Leczenie przewlekłego nieżytu nosa: innowacyjne podejścia i strategie terapeutyczne | Florent Modesto |
15:00 – 15:30 | 30 min | Pulpektomia i apicektomia. Te same zasady, czy nowe podejście? | Justyna Ignaszak-Dziech |
15:30 – 16:00 | 30 min | Przerwa kawowa | |
16:00 – 17:15 | 75 min | Leczenie bólu i opieka pooperacyjna | Sandra Wenger |

Dr. Florent Modesto DMV, IPSAV (Zoological Medicine), DABVP (Exotic Companion Mammals)

Fransesco Paesano DVM, GPCert (SADen&OS), ISVPS

Sandra Wenger Dr. med. vet., Dip. ECVAA, Dip. ACZM, MSc

Lek. wet. spec. Aleksandra Bobińska

Dr n. wet. spec. Dorota Różańska
Od uzyskania dyplomu do 2017 roku wykładowca – asystent, a po uzyskaniu tytułu doktora (praca doktorska z zakresu anestezjologii królików) adiunkt w Katedrze i Klinice Chirurgii zwierząt UP w Lublinie. Od 2010 roku współwłaścicielka Przychodni Weterynaryjnej Rex w Lublinie specjalizującej się w leczeniu zajęczaków, gryzoni oraz zwierząt egzotycznych. Od czasów studiów zainteresowania ukierunkowała wyłącznie na chirurgię, mikrochirurgię oraz stomatologię gryzoni i zajęczaków. Autorka wielu artykułów naukowych poświęconych chirurgii i anestezjologii.

Lek. wet. Jakub Kliszcz
Od początku kariery zawodowej ukierunkowany na medycynę drobnych ssaków, od 2014 roku skupiony wyłącznie na swojej największej pasji – stomatologii. Podobno jednoosobowa jednostka referencyjna w tym zakresie. Autor publikacji weterynaryjnych, kursów krajowych i zagranicznych oraz doniesień naukowych na konferencjach międzynarodowych. Od 2020 roku związany z Gdańską przychodnią animal.med. A od 2022 roku partner Vet Pro Akademii i organizator szkoleń w szerokim spektrum zwierząt egzotycznych.

Lek. wet. Justyna Ignaszak-Dziech
Gdzie ?
Warsaw Plaza Hotel
Ul. Łączyny 5, Warszawa
III International Congress
Small Mammal Medicine in Practice
Surgery & Anesthesiology
Date: June 14-15, 2025
Place: Warsaw Plaza Hotel, Warsaw, Poland
Registration Fees:
1649 PLN (incl. VAT) – Veterinarians
1449 PLN (incl. VAT) – Students/Veterinary Technicians
Installment payment available
Lectures will be simultaneously translated: Polish -> English and English -> Polish
Cocktail Party: 250 PLN
Francesco Paesano, DVM, GPCert (SADen&OS), ISVPS (Florence, Italy)
Sandra Wenger, Dr. med. vet., Dip. ECVAA, Dip. ACZM, MSc (Zurich, Switzerland)
Aleksandra Bobińska, DVM, Specialist (Łódź, Poland)
Dorota Różańska, PhD, DVM, Specialist (Lublin, Poland)
Jakub Kliszcz, DVM (Gdańsk, Poland)
Justyna Ignaszak-Dziech, DVM (Wrocław, Poland)
June 14, 2025
9.00-9.30 | 30 min | Prehabilitation in rabbit & rodent surgeries – Sandra Wenger |
9.30-10.30 | 60 min | Securing the main vital areas – airways, breathing, circulation and anaesthetic protocols – Sandra Wenger |
10.30-11.00 | 30 min | Coffee break |
11.00-12.15 | 75 min | Breathing new life: comprehensive approaches to thoracic surgery – Florent Modesto |
12.15-12.45 | 30 min | Unilateral or bilateral approach for flank ovariohysterectomy in guinea pigs – Dorota Różańska |
12.45-13.00 | 15 min | Sponsors time |
13.00-14.00 | 60 min | Lunch |
14.00-14.45 | 45 min | Gut decisions: navigating digestive surgery in pet rabbits – Florent Modesto |
14.45-15.15 | 30 min | Dressing or a scalpel? Pododermatitis in domestic cavia and more – Aleksandra Bobińska |
15.15-15.45 | 30 min | Coffee break |
15.45-16.15 | 30 min | Sedation without struggle and stress – Sandra Wenger |
16.15-17.15 | 60 min | Successful anaesthesiology in birds – Sandra Wenger |
June 15, 2025
9.00-10.30 | 90 min | Piezosurgery applications in oro-facial surgery of exotic pets – a game changer – Francesco Paesano |
10.30-11.00 | 30 min | Coffee break |
11.00-12.15 | 75 min | Listening in: strategies for managing chronic otitis – Florent Modesto |
12.15-12.45 | 30 min | Bone grafts in rabbit and rodent dentistry – Jakub Kliszcz |
12.45-13.00 | 15 min | Sponsors time |
13.00 -14.00 | 60 min | Lunch |
14.00-15.00 | 60 min | Managing Chronic Rhinitis: Innovative Approaches and Therapeutic Strategies – Florent Modesto |
15.00-15.30 | 30 min | Pulpectomy and apicoectomy. Same old rules or a brand new look? – Justyna Ignaszak-Dziech |
15.30-16.00 | 30 min | Coffee break |
16.00-17.15 | 75 min | Pain management and postsurgical care – Sandra Wenger |

Dr. Florent Modesto DMV, IPSAV (Zoological Medicine), DABVP (Exotic Companion Mammals)
DMV, IPSAV (Zoological Medicine), Dipl. ABVP (Exotic Companion Mammal Practice) Dr Florent Modesto graduated from the University of Liege in 2011. He completed an internship in Zoological medicine in Canada (Saint-Hyacinthe) followed by a specialized internship in Exotic Medicine at the Veterinary National School of Alfort, collaborating with Dr. Charly PIGNON and Dr Minh HUYNH. In 2013, he became the head of the Department of Exotic Pet Medicine & Surgery at the Veterinary Clinic Brasseur, in Belgium. In October 2018, he became diplomate of the American Board of Vet Practitioners, certified in Exotic Companion Mammal Practice. A national and international lecturer, he created his own Training organization “ExoD”, and now works on the development of oncology and new surgical techniques in Exotic pets. After years of work, he co-founded the 1st Specialist Veterinary Centre in Belgium, the CVS CALADRIUS, where he has been working full-time since October 2023.

Fransesco Paesano DVM, GPCert (SADen&OS), ISVPS
He graduated in 2013 from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pisa. Afterwards, he does internships and visits at zoological parks, wildlife recovery centers and clinics specializing in exotic animal medicine in Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Indonesia. From 2016 to 2018 he worked on General Medicine of Small Animals, Medicine and Surgery of Exotic Animals and Dentistry at the Global United Veterinary Clinic in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Speaker at National and International Congresses as ICARE in 2015 and 2019.In 2022 he received the title of "General Practitioner Certificate in Small Animal Dentistry and Oral Surgery" from the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies. Since 2018 he has been dealing exclusively with Dentistry and Surgery of Exotic Pets, sectors of which he was responsible at the Clinica Veterinaria Borghesiana in Rome until September 2022. He participates as a lecturer in the „Practical Course of Dentistry” Unisvet and the Course of Dentistry for veterinary technicians Unisvet. His main fields of interest are Oncological Surgery and Maxillo Facial Trauma and Piezo Surgery. Since October 2022 he has collaborated with the clinics of the Florentine Cluster of VetPartnes Italy, and with many other structures in Tuscany. From May 2023 collaborates with the Wildlife Rescue Center of Empoli (Florence).

Sandra Wenger Dr. med. vet., Dip. ECVAA, Dip. ACZM, MSc
After graduating in 1996, Sandra Wenger worked for one year at Singapore’s Jurong BirdPark. This was followed by a 15-month internship in „small animal medicine” and 3-year residency in „veterinary anaesthesia”, at the University of Bern, Switzerland. After finishing her MSc in Wild Animal Health in London in 2005, Sandra Wenger was employed for 10 months by the zoo in Bristol, and the rabbit referral clinic of the University of Bristol. She then spent 9 interesting and fulfilling years at the Zurich zoo, and the Clinic for zoo animals, exotic pets and wildlife, University of Zurich, first as a resident and then as a senior lecturer. Sandra Wenger is a diplomate of the American College of Zoo Medicine (2012) and the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (2002). Since July 2017 she works in a small animal practices in Bern, specialising in exotic pets and anaesthesia.

DVM, Aleksandra Bobińska
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in 2015. In 2018, she obtained her specialist title in Diseases of Non-Domesticated Animals. From the beginning of her career, she has been associated with the „Zwierzętarnia” Veterinary Clinic in Łódź, which focuses on treating small mammals, reptiles, and birds. Initially working as a general practitioner, after several years, she transitioned from consultations to become a full-time exotic animal surgeon. Her daily practice primarily involves rabbit and rodent dentistry, cranial procedures, soft tissue surgery, and life-saving interventions where a scalpel and suture needle ensure patient survival and comfort. She continually enhances her qualifications by participating in courses and workshops and has experience as a co-creator and lecturer in veterinary training programs.

DVM, PhD, Dorota Różańska
A graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (2000), specializing in canine and feline diseases. From graduation until 2017, she served as a lecturer and assistant professor in the Department and Clinic of Animal Surgery at the same university, earning her PhD with a dissertation on rabbit anesthesiology. Since 2010, she has co-owned the „Rex” Veterinary Clinic in Lublin, specializing in the treatment of lagomorphs, rodents, and exotic animals. Her professional interests, cultivated since her student days, have been exclusively focused on surgery, microsurgery, and rodent and lagomorph dentistry. She is the author of numerous scientific publications on surgery and anesthesiology.

DVM, Jakub Kliszcz
Graduated with distinction in Exotic Animal Diseases from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in 2008. From the start of his career, he has specialized in small mammal medicine, and since 2014, he has devoted himself entirely to his greatest passion—veterinary dentistry. Known as a one-person reference unit in this field, he is the author of veterinary publications, national and international courses, and scientific reports presented at global conferences. Since 2020, he has been affiliated with the animal.med Veterinary Clinic in Gdańsk, and from 2022, he has been a partner of Vet Pro Akademia, organizing training sessions on a wide range of exotic animal topics.

DVM, Justyna Ignaszak-Dziech
Graduated from the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. Her lifelong passion has been anatomy, and her daily practice includes surgery, dentistry, and radiology of small mammals. She began gaining experience in these fields during her university years under the mentorship of DVM, PhD Tomasz Piasecki. She continues to develop her skills by attending conferences, workshops, and internships in Poland and abroad. Additionally, she is the author of articles, scientific reports, lectures, and workshops. Beyond clinical practice, she collaborates with the Department of Histology and Embryology at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, conducting research on the dental structures of small mammals.
Warsaw Plaza Hotel
Łączyny 5 Street, Warsaw